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Passion Week: Tuesday Devotional Mar 27th, 2018 [viewed 36 times] |
This is what Jesus was doing on Tuesday: Tuesday was an incredibly busy day for our Lord. The overturning of the money changers table yesterday for the second day in a row, in the temple stirred up considerable concern on the part of the religious leaders. The great following of the common people was another threat to them and so on Tuesday, while Jesus taught in the temple, all three parties of the religious leaders sought to trick Him or publicly show He was a fake or didn't know what He was talking about. The opposite occurred and the leaders were humiliated before the people. Some of the most important teachings of Christ occurred on this day. As Jesus was making ready to die and leave, He wanted to make sure that they understood the most important matters of following Him and would be knowledgeable concerning the future. The two passages to consider today are from Matthew 23 through 25 and Mark 11:27 through 13. In these passages, we find Jesus debating with the religious leaders about a number of topics as well as Him teaching extensively about last days. I would say the two most important teachings that occur during this day is Jesus' clear teaching that the Purpose of God (The Great Commandment... loving meaningful relationships) was the absolute most important teaching to follow and do. Next, we find Jesus caring enough for His disciples that He would give in specific detail everything we would ever need to know about the last days, His second coming, and the newly created world to come. Too many Christians have treated these teachings of Jesus as equal to or subservient to other portions in the Bible almost saying that Jesus didn't know all the details yet. But how far from the truth this is. Given the setting that this was the last time of major teaching before His death to all the disciples, we must understand that Jesus was giving the full picture, not a partial view. This speaks to the erroneous handling of the Book of Revelation as if only in this book can we know the details of the last days. We must never forget that Jesus gave us all the details and Revelation as a mysterious book of signs and symbols is only to back up what Jesus said not to introduce "new truth." Back to our day... It is very interesting that Jesus spent so much time on Sunday and Monday seeking to clean up and rid the temple (the place of worship) of religion and religious practices that only result in bondage and death and spent so much time ministering to the poor and needy providing healing and deliverance and salvation to the people. Now Jesus gives his whole heart throughout the entire day teaching everything that was needed. At the conclusion of the day, He is exhausted and returns to Bethany for some rest and personal preparation for the suffering to begin on Thursday. I pray your heart will be enriched throughout this day of Jesus teaching you through the Holy Spirit in your heart!! Love in Christ, Paul (Dr. Paul Evans is a Christian author and founder of Grace Christian Worldwide Ministries.) |