Electric coop urged: Postpone EC conversion vote Mar 25th, 2018   [viewed 111 times]

(We are publishing here the letter of a member-consumer of Zamboanga del Sur Electric Cooperative II in Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay. The letter was addressed and was sent on March 23, 2018, to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the electric cooperative and furnished a copy to the Administrator of the National Electrification Administration. - Editor)

Dear Mr. Chairman,

 Warm greetings from a member-consumer of Zamsureco II!

 This has reference to the scheduled EC Conversion Referendum to be simultaneously held with the 35th Annual General Membership Assembly on 25 March 2018.

 It is understood that the referendum is in line with Section 32 of Presidential Decree No. 269 as amended by Section 12 of Republic Act 10531 stipulating that “all electric cooperatives may choose to remain as a non-stock, non-profit cooperative or convert into and register as (a) a stock cooperative under the CDA; or (b) a stock corporation under the SEC, in accordance with the guidelines to be included in the IRR….”

 It is further understood that the scheduled EC Conversion Referendum is fully compliant with the second paragraph of the same section, Section 12, which says “such choice shall carry with it the attendant requirements of compliance with the laws and regulatory guidelines governing the respective government agencies having jurisdiction over the registration.”

 Toward this end, the National Electrification Administration (NEA) Board of Administrators by virtue of its Memorandum No. 2014-026 pursuant to Section 25-A of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA 10531 has specifically outlined the Guidelines in the Conduct of Referendum for Electric Cooperative Conversion.

 Section 6 of Article III of the Guidelines requires the conduct of consultations stipulating that “prior to the referendum, the EC Board and Management shall undertake, in coordination with the DOE, NEA, CDA, SEC, PHILRECA, PHILFECO, a massive Information-Education and Communication (IEC) campaign at the district level within the EC coverage area on the importance of R.A. 10531 and the IRR, the options for conversion, advantages and disadvantages, and other related matters through a series of District Meetings….”

 The wisdom behind Section 6 of Article III is obvious: so that all member-consumers can make informed decisions through their votes cast during the Referendum whether they will decide to remain as a non-stock, non-profit cooperative; to register as a stock cooperative under the CDA; or a stock corporation under the SEC. The undersigned cannot overemphasize the importance of the conduct of consultations in a matter so vital to the existence of Zamsureco II at this time when it is hounded with operational and organizational challenges.

 In this regard, I fear that most of the member-consumers in Ipil District have been deprived of their right to public consultations as mandated by NEA guidelines where they will be informed of the pros and cons of the issue to be decided on March 25. Public consultations in the context of NEA Guidelines is very clear: informing and educating the member-consumers what good there is to remain as non-stock directly under NEA; to become a stock cooperative under CDA; or to become a stock corporation under SEC.

 The undersigned had conducted random sampling asking scores of member-consumers in Ipil District if they had been invited to public consultations in relation to the scheduled Referendum. I even asked some members of the local media, who are members of Zamsureco II Press Club, if they are aware of any public consultation conducted by the electric cooperative. The people I had asked replied to the negative. This appears to be pointing to one: No public consultations, perhaps not even one, had been conducted to duly inform and educate the member-consumers on the issue so that they can make an informed decision.

 The NEA Guidelines is forthright in outlining the activities to be conducted by the electric cooperative concerned prior to the holding of the Referendum. It is my submission that the Board of Directors and management of Zamsureco II are fully aware of the Guidelines, which should be a burden to be implemented in order to make the Referendum as an exercise to truly reflect the sentiment and will of the member-consumers.

 Despite knowing the Guidelines, it is feared that Zamsureco II has failed the member-consumers in this regard.

 It is prayed, therefore, that the scheduled Referendum be postponed in order to give time to the important activities required by the Guidelines to be implemented. To push through with the Referendum on March 25 despite the knowledge that Zamsureco II had failed to conduct public consultations, by intent or circumstance, is to trample upon the rights of the thousands of member-consumers whom you would like to call as the lifeblood of the electric cooperative. And to conduct a referendum on March 25 in absence of public consultations as mandated by the Guidelines would be a farce.

 May this prayer for the postponement of the Referendum be given due course to make it not only compliant to the Guidelines but also reflective of the sentiment and will of the member-consumers.

 I am,


Sincerely yours,


Antonio M. Manaytay
